Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Fourier with Egg

Finally, I'm back!

Yes, there's a lot of backblipping to do.

Yes, I do have the photos.

Who knows how long it will take. After the last year or so there's a LOT to sort out. But I'll give it a try!

In the meantime, here's a picture of Fourier, a little rescue hairless boy we took in a while ago. He's quite fragile, and his friend Pascal is even more so (the day after we had him he needed surgery on a bad tooth). However, they're a delightful pair of boys and we love them everso much!

In other news, I've come off my meds. There has therefore been a noticeable improvement in my physical condition, although my mind is doing slightly odd things.

Will give it a try anyway...

And I have plenty of pics to sort to keep me busy!

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