Pluck The Magic Twanger Froggy!!!

I drove into work this morning and opened the back door to get my stuff out and here this frog was in the doorjamb. How he didn't get squished I will never know. So I decide, here we go, a blip opportunity. Well I followed this little guy all around as he hopped here and there inside my car taking numerous photos - mostly blurred because he was moving around and where did he stop, the car's door jamb again - so I picked him up and put him in the bushes and viola!! My blip for today!! Although, I wish now I had stopped to take a picture of the three cows with the cowbirds sitting on their backd and all of the up to their chest in water in a pond. Hopefully I'll get another opportunity.

My title is from the Howdy Doody Show I use to watch as a kid with Andy Devine. He used to have this frog and he would have him pluck the magic twanger as an announcement. I guess I'm aging myself - but what the heck.

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