A call to prayer
In this season, I really feel there is something prophetic about BELLS.
Since last summer, I’ve noticed that I’ve had an increased awareness of them that I’ve never had before.
I’ve often seen them and felt to prophetically ring them, or felt someone around me should ring them!
And I’ve even wondered about buying a small one to carry around with me, as I do love a good prophetic prop and act!!
On our prayer walk on day 2 around San Antonio, Lydie noticed the bell above one of the iconic bars - Cafe Mambo, as we stood outside it to pray.
Then today I was drawn again to these 2 big beautiful bells above a church on the square in Santa Gertrudis.
Last night I was praying over a friend and I was saying that in this season I really feel there is a CALL TO PRAYER.
It reminded me of how so often throughout the day, Muslims will hear their call to prayer, stop what they are doing and begin to pray.
I really feel in this season, Jesus is increasing the awakening of the Bride to pray.
He’s calling His people to pray in this season like they never have before.
And I know that I’m apart of ringing the bell, calling His people to prayer.
Let’s hear the call, and respond to Him.
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