I am getting around to salvaging photos from the old Windows computer and putting them on the Mac. Today I bought a cable that plugs into the Mac and accepts a USB drive, which has files from the PC. The helpful man at Harvey Norman said it wasn’t guaranteed that it would work but most likely would. So I was very pleased to find that it did work and I transferred a few photos.
This one is of a painting I did ten years ago, one of a series of six. They were criticised for being too dark, so one day I painted over them in psychedelic colours. Aaagh! Now I have pulled the canvasses off the stretcher frames and will stretch fresh canvas on to them to make new paintings. I plan to use the old paintings for craft purposes.
For the series I set up still lifes in an alcove where there is an old fuel stove, and the thick glass windows at the back inspired unusual compositions.
I called the series “What Happens In The Fruit Bowl, Stays In The Fruit Bowl”.
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