
By HeidiHH

Life on crutches day 22

Diamond paintings on the wall.

Got the frames and it's done now. 3 x 14442 "diamonds". That's quite a lot. I  had to check, I was doing the first one at the end of February and now it's nearly mid April. I think I was faster than I anticipated.

The dark curtain is there to block the morning sun. I need pitch darkness when I sleep. So we have these curtains at strategic places to make that happen during this half of the year.

Niklas is coming here for a hair cut and sauna. My husband also needs a trim. It will be interesting to do that sitting down. We have to figure out a very low chair for them to sit on. Or they need to sit on the floor...

In the picture you can also see my servicing trolley. My companion for the last 3 weeks. With that I move stuff around. I place my hurt foot on the lower level and hop behind and push it while on crutches. The wheels are so wonky that it goes in circles, which is very frustrating. But the only other way is to carry a bag, which is  actually hanging on the side of the trolley if I need it.

Also the trusted saddle chair is in the picture.

I think tomorrow I'll go try to swim with the kiddie swimming hand floats on my ankles. We'll see how that goes, but it will be lovely to get into the pool and be "weightless" for a little while. .

Both cars got summer tires today.

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