
By schorschi

Room with a View

As all predicted, back in hospital but asked to go to the local, somewhat smaller, Ottobeuren.Formerly run by nuns, now a local authority hospital.

Have to say am very impressed, particularly as they don't have any of the records. Arrved unannounced at 11:00am and I don't think it took more than an hour before I was lying in my "private" room. Private not quite true - isolation, until cause established. Very notable was how all the staff were so friendly but above all efficent.

Seems like kidney failurebut I think thr two liters of fluids have already done wonders. Would like to take a test walk to see if I can boost this mornings 80/60 bloodpressure. However on isolation not allowed out, so will have to make do with the spectacular view.

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