How’s this for a boring blip photo!!
This is our new mower at the allotments.
After lots of research and visits, we decided on this one and today was the official launch. As chair of the allotment committee ( no one else fancied doing it) I had the honour of “starting” the mower and apart from a couple of “teething” problems, e.g. running out of petrol, it seemed to be fine.
In other gardening news, a couple of days ago, I was attempting to dig up a clump of grass/weeds, and since I didn’t make any impression with normal digging, I thought I would try a two footed jump on the spade, and the clump came out.
Unfortunately, I fell backwards and landed flat on my back.
However, after a couple of days, I seem to have got off very lightly apart from a few twinges in my back.
I rather like this “spade” song
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