
By MumOf4Wildlings

Patient 0

Well the jedi was quite rashy and blotchy on his face this morning.  But he was in fine spirits. Dropped the wildlings off at school and him nursery and staff said they would keep a eye. Not even a hour later they called my work. It had spread to his body . 
Gave the doc a call to make a appointment and nipped into tesco for supplies before we went to the doc. Me thinking that it will be viral as always.  Doctor took swabs of his throat and photos of his body and said she was sending them to public health as it could be measles. So we're now isolating until I hear from them. We'll or until Sunday.  I didn't realise you only need to stay away from people for 4 days as the contagious period is before the rash appears.  

The wildlings got picked up from school just after lunchtime.  Harp ended up napping on the sofa. I could have joined her. I can't believe this is the first week back at school and work and we haven't even made it a whole week yet before having time off. 

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