Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Rainbow Reward

Unhappily, I had to venture down to the 'Rif today. Happily, however, a pair of gorgeous rainbow lorikeets put on a bit of a show as I came in to the hospital grounds, and I had had the foresight to take my telephoto lens. 8) Rather made it worth it, really.

Especially in large.

I'm pretty sure I had intended to type more, but 1. I can't remember what it was, and 2. the noises from the bathroom indicate that the kids are in serious need of wrangling.

I'm not saying 1 and 2 are causally related...

That said, I'm going to suspend typing this, while I 1. wrangle, 2. choose which lorikeet photo to blip, as I've suddenly become undecided, and 3. upload the rest to Flickr and link to them.

... Here 'tis.

And I went with this one in the end because the wonderfully-colourful underside is so thoroughly displayed. The other choices were this about to fly, and this beady eye.

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