
By Chops13

Stay or Go?

Had two options today
a) go into the city with K. for her Physio appointment, then pick up JJ to go to a women’s runners store, then lunch, then a walk on the beach. Sounded like a lot of waiting to me.

b) stay home for a light workout, cut the front lawn, then go to the range to find my (long) lost golf swing.

The choice seems obvious and, as usual, I made the wrong choice. Ironically, while I was stretching my back, it decided to balk, and seized up. So much for golf, but did the lawn.

The pictures (main and extras) reflect the kind of day the ladies had in the city while I was heating and icing my back. A very low tide at Spanish Banks and a view toward downtown. Extras shore the North Shore Mountains and freighters at anchor waiting to enter Vancouver Harbour and great weather.

The upside- Krista and I had a nice Pho lunch. All was not lost. And the back will be fine tomorrow.

Photos by K. and JJ…my day was not particularly photogenic.

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