Happiness is . . . .

Happiness is complete relaxation, away from the humdrum life at home, spending time doing something you enjoy with like minded people.

The cookery course at Denman College had made themselves a summer picnic and by the time I found them they were tucking into a huge passion fruit trifle. They had enjoyed a glass or two of wine as well and were in a happy state of mind! They offered me some trifle - how could I refuse.

Meanwhile the silver clay jewellers worked on. There were other courses too - goldwork embroidery, willow basket making, walking in The Cotswolds, a lecture course on The Edwardians and a fitness course. Everybody seemed to be having a good time.

After the courses finished for the evening at 9pm we gathered together for an old fashioned "concert" with people reading silly jokes, singing and performing pocket pantomimes. All very silly but so much fun!

There are more pictures on my blipfolio

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