
By middleman


Fresh full of painkillers and anti-inflammatories today following a visit to the GP this morning (the first time in years) after inadvertently giving myself a chest wall injury (which sounds far more dramatic than 'bruised ribs') when I sneezed quite ferociously about a fortnight ago. If I hadn't been going on holiday next week I'd probably have done nowt about it but thought I'd best get checked out after being in a right load of apparently-aggravated discomfort yesterday. And you know what ...these drugs...are great. Unsurprisingly they work. I almost feel normal even. Still, take it easy is the general medical advice in the meantime. I will heed that.

So, with relaxation on my mind I bussed it to the cinema on a horrible rainy night only to find that they couldn't show the film - a preview screening of The Teachers' Lounge - due to technical difficulties. Digital presentation, server issues and that. Complimentary tickets for everyone and many apologies ensued. Oh well, at least I'll get my book finished now I'm home. Every cloud...

On The Bus(es) Commute

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