More Rain On The Way

A bit of respite in the rain today...there was even some blue patches ....and a big rainbow. However I think more is on the way and I daren't look at the beach to see what damage has ensued.

Felt strange today...spent most of it reading my now fixed kindle that wasn't broken in the first place.
Ahem! after weeks of negotiating to get a replacement it finally came ....then I realised that I was using the wrong connection embarrassing....the kindle was fine all along.

A friend posted this today......I think a lot of you will relate.
Rumi (not the dog) is still having a rest.

"When an introvert cares about someone,
she also wants contact, not so much to
keep up with the events of the other person's life,
but to keep up with what's inside:
the evolution of ideas, values, thoughts, and feelings."

Laurie Helgoe

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