Proud of the Snowy Egrets
Sometimes the snowy egrets join the pelicans in greeting the charter fishing boats in hopes of getting handouts or the leftover bait fish.
But, at 4 p.m., the boats had come and gone, and the snowys were still hungry. So, they went to work.
At one time there were 9 of them lined up on 3 sections of dock, with 18 eyes peering out into the water. Then...WHOOSSHH, they would skim across the water and dip in for the fish, often coming up with the treat.
It was fun to watch, with much posturing and fighting to steal the catch. After positioning the catch just right in order to swallow the fish, several of the birds had to do the shimmy and shake. That picture is in my extras.
My knee is still not good, and I am struggling with the decision on what to do.
At least I didn't have to cook tonight. Our neighbor Dorothy had us over for chicken pot pie, followed by a rousing game of dominoes. Delicious dinner, and Domino Dot won again.
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