Mystery Object/S
Well this was tricky Anniemay! I settled for these three little objects that have been around since forever! I left them where they sit, they're always there but a bit of a mystery of why they are there?
Now are we supposed to tell you all what these objects are? Then they would no longer be a mystery!
So because i am not good at keeping secrets unless someone strictly says "don't tell anyone!" Then I will take their secret to the grave! But if no one actually says "don't tell!" Then I think its open slather!
So here goes (fingers crossed i don't get a thunder bolt down my neck) chuckle. :-)
I did show the little tags on two of the objects anyway, so there's a giveaway! two of them are made out of GumNuts that hang from the eucalyptus tree, one given to us by our son the other our daughter when they went both went away on school camp to Kalgoorlie, a bit of gold would have been nice, thats where the gold rush happened long ago! but the little GumNuts have become more precious as years roll by (I was given something completely different from our third, youngest son from his school camp)
The other wooden mmm maybe not such a mystery object? Is a mushroom made out of wood from a Yew tree from lyme Park Disley, brought over by Glyn's parents, on one of their visits, we don't see Yew trees here so the mushroom is that bit more precious to keep.
So there goes my mystery objects, now you all know! :-)
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