Ant Trap Gauntlet

Our early morning walk in the neighborhood almost never fails to provide us something of interest.

This morning was no exception.

We discovered what appeared at first glance to be a child's handiwork remaining after playing on the front walk of a nearby house.

Closer inspection revealed something quite a bit more sinister.

It seems the various bits of paper overlying the groove in the sidewalk each had a glob of ant bait on it.

At the end of the gauntlet there was a white and green ant trap; a "roach motel" sort of gizmo.

Fascinatingly diabolical!

Looking closely into the groove in the sidewalk, I found a constant stream of ants scurrying in both directions.

Later in the day all of the bits of paper disappeared leaving only the ant trap in place.

I'm curious to watch to see if I can learn how effective the ant gauntlet idea is.

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