Blip Meet #4

Shelley (Naturelover) and I drove to Toledo this morning to meet Sefferdog, and his wife.

I was SO glad to find out his name is not really Sefferdog. (What would you call him for short...Seff, or Dog?)

Wade and his wife were very nice. Transplanted Ohioans now living in Florida. I knew he was going to be great, because he showed up dressed like the late Steve Irwin. Very rugged looking, very outdoorsy, very Jack Hannish...ready to wrassle an alligator.

The first 60-90 minutes went great...then the rain started. Wade and I jumped two of the zoos ground crew, and stole 3 nice big trash bags to cover our cameras. Worked like a charm. (Who needs those overpriced ponchos the zoo sells?)

We finally left the girls in the indoors aviary, and walked back to the car to get our umbrellas. Imagine my surprise when Wade broke out a multi-colored paisley parasole. So much for the he-man image. (Of course...nobody is going to mention my Russell Stover candy umbrella.)

We still had a nice day, in spite of the weather. The only thing better would have been to have Anni (Bikerbear) with us.

WAY too many pictures on my FLICKR PAGE, but animal and bird close-ups are hard to resist. Have a look. It'll make you feel like you've been in a jungle.

From left to right...Jen, Wade, Shelley, and in the foreground...Elbert, the eagle.

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