Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

9,166 steps

Normally, Ann aims to walk 20,000 steps a day and obviously I usually do loads more than that because I'm always running around. Today I have not been running around. Today I have had three little walks (in the rain) on my lead. When will it ever stop raining?

Funnily enough, it's 6pm now and the evening is looking a lot brighter. ….........Apparently I'm not going out again until it's time for my bedtime wee?!!

Today, I've spent a lot of time snoozing in my little bed. …..............And Ann has spent a lot of time watching c*** TV.

Ann is sooooooo looking forward to going back down to St Ives in a couple of weeks. We're going to spend the whole summer there. Yay! A happy human means that I am a happy little Collie pup. Ann's life is so much more structured in St Ives. She will work 4 days a week, she will go to Zumba classes, she will swim in the sea. ….............And she'll still have enough time left over to take me on lovely walks, socialise, drink wine and watch c*** TV.

Looking forward to the next 6 months. All we need now is for Mr Sunshine to come out to play instead of Mr Rain???!!!

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