Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Eva did a super job sorting Jack out in her lesson with Ruth this afternoon. He began with napping and stopping as soon as she asked for anything above a slow walk but by the end of the lesson Ruth had her doing walk to canter transitions. Eva had the biggest smile on her face as it feels like it's been a long winter of him not doing anything she asks him to when we're schooling at home. 

I had a good lesson too (worked on freeing up Buddy's hind legs with leg yield and turn on forehand exercises) and Buddy worked really hard. 

We collected the electric van this morning. Got home and went to charge it up and discovered the power supply in the back was not the right one for the van we had bought!! Some phone calls back and forth resulted in Mike driving over there and getting another one from them which unfortunately ate into his kitchen fitting time (I had to leave for riding lessons). Just feels like we are being sent extra problems all the time to sort out and it's just exhausting. Nothing ever seems to just go smoothly for us and just be straight forward. 

Mike has been wrestling with the fridge this evening. It doesn't seem to fit in the cupboard it was sold with. Think we will have to cut the back out of the cupboard. 

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