As mush as I love my dad, he’s hard work when he comes to stay as he literally does not stop talking, most of which I have heard, so it was with a sigh of relief I said my goodbyes this morning and went to work. Son 1 dropped him off at the airport and Loganair were whisking him away to Newquay.
Except, Storm Kathleen had other plans.
After a busy morning, made harder by mentoring an optometry student throughout so double the explanations, finally left at 1.30pm to find a message from dad to say his flight had been cancelled
So off to the airport, grabbed him and drive down to Kelso, with all the stories I had already heard on repeat. Picked my nearly sprightly mum up and took them both to Floors for lunch. Except lunch was over so my restorative bowl of soup I was planning became a cheese scone that I quietly ate whilst my parents valiantly tried to out talk the other.
Not once did either ask how my day was, how I was, or anything about my life..… please insert double eye rolls here. I don’t know if it’s rude or no manners but quite bizarre. My job as their child seems to be to listen.
Nearly forty years since they divorced, I do wonder how they ever got together!
Back to Kelso for another hour of monologue battles whilst I sat quietly contemplating life, and divorcing my parents whilst inwardly singing ‘All by Myself’ a la Bridget Jones.
A windy trip back, over Soutra thought my wee roof was going to blow off.
Got fingers and toes crossed that Loganair can fly in the morning, otherwise I may have to invest in ear plugs
6am start. PAH!
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