Blown off Course
Forecast of strong wind later, so gave in to Mr B's entreats to go out early'ish. Tho' by the time I was ready it was ca.11 am.
Bus to Southbourne for fruit (last of the blood oranges?), and veg.
Coffee at Velo Domestique. Sat outside to take advantage of the sun. Ended up walking to Boscombe.
Passed this skew-whiff 'ANTIQUES' signage on the shop blipped. Surely the wind wasn't strong enough to do that???
Shopped at Lidl. Then home for a relaxing afternoon, and disappointing news that Luton scored a second goal against Bournemouth, in the final minute - after 5 unbeaten matches in a row.
Time for dinner. Stir-fry with pak-choi before it wilts. 45mph gusts due later.
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