
By Ted3

Wide angle Primrose (Primula vulgaris)

I think the Primrose to be the humblest of wild  flowers. Now cultivated in the form of the Primula. It is then arguable if a wild flower at all?
This wide angle shot of one of the many primroses smiling in my garden, was shot just before the wind rose and blew over my footed monopod, ruining a lens, magnetic polariser and filter frame.  At least the camera was un-harmed.
The Primrose a flower best described as a flower with its feet in the shade yet its head in the sun. We have literally hundreds of them growing in our garden, albeit the many are tiny and growing very slowly in our very free drawing rain soaked poor soils. 
Dappled shade I think its ideal habit. Many of us, me included grow them in our borders for spring colour.
So then, is the jury out? or is the beautiful Primrose an outcast. 

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