michigan man

By outdoorguy

Fiddler on the Roof

It was a blue heron kind of morning. I woke up at 6:55, so I headed out for the sunrise. It wasn't a good bird morning, but without much wind, it was very relaxing. I stayed out for about an hour, and then headed back for another wet and wonderful celebration (swim class.)

10 of us in class today, me and 9 women! WOO-HOO!

After class we did a little thrifting, and then I painted and Lisa puzzled.

With leftovers for dinner, we are now watching Iowa and Caitlin Clark trying to get into the championship game in basketball.

Check the extras for 3 more heron shots.
1. The Hokey Pokey.
2. Leaving His Post.
3. Just A Hunt of an Eye.

P.S. The Iowa girls won the game 71-69 on a shaky call from a referee with 3.9 seconds left. The call went against the Connecticut Huskies.

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