Close encounters..
...of the bovine kind!
I took this after I'd got through the gate with two labradors straining at the leash!
I've walked this route before on a Nordic walk so knew that there could be cows in the field. I put the dogs on their leads and was so glad I did because there they were - right by the gate! Tia hasn't had a close encounter with a cow so I was unsure how she'd react but she was as good as gold. I kept saying "good girl" to her and she didn't bark. The cows had very young calves but they just looked at us until we'd passed then started following us! We made it through the gate before they reached us but you can see by the photo how close! How can farmers allow them on land with a footpath? The path should be fenced off, or post a warning that livestock are in the field. If I hadn't known, the dogs may not have been on their leads and could have been trampled!
I'd love to have any views/advice from farmers out there?
I enjoyed my walk but had I turned back I would have done 7 miles instead of the 5 I did! I'm not going to do it again with the dogs. When you have your poles, Nordic walking, they stay away. :-)
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