Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We bought five small fruit trees in 2022, and although they seemed to be all right whilst establishing in the first year, last year, they didn’t do at all well, so Mr. HCB decided that he would transfer them from pots into three of his raised beds, which he did about a month ago.

Since then, we have had copious amounts of rain - in fact, like many of you, we have seen our garden suffering from the long term effects of persistent rain.  However, these five trees seem to be thriving and enjoying their new positions.

There are lots of buds on this Braeburn Apple and also on the Conference Pear, Victoria Plum and two Cherry trees, so we are hopeful, if we can keep the birds off them, that we will have some fruit this year.  

Whilst out taking some shots earlier, I did hear a few huffs and puffs and some snorting and snuffling and even saw leaves moving, so we are wondering if Hoggy is ready to come out of hibernation - watch this space!

Thank you for your kind comments, stars and hearts, all of which are much appreciated.  M xx 

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