Sprout lover

By robharris35


I have been known to cart around cans of coffee to drink on tired days. I cracked one open today on the journey from Mocuba to Quelimane. The warning on the label, which was mainly in Russian with bits of English, stated to not drink it if you suffer from ‘increased nervous excitability’. I think I often do.

We had a few hours to kill in Quelimane before our flight back to Maputo, so we got food at a restaurant next to the main feature of the city, the Rio dos Bons Sinais. This guy next to the river was saying something about fish but I couldn’t make it out. I think he had a submerged net and was playing the waiting game.

Back in Maputo, my luggage had wafts of shrimp, a popular Mozambican delicacy that people often bring back from Quelimane. As we departed the project driver in Zambézia had gifted a box each to me and my colleagues Foloma and Serra and there must have been a shrimp juice incident somewhere in transit. The final luggage-related challenge involved climbing inside the scanner (that everyone has to use to exit) when various people’s bags got stuck and caught inside and the airport officials didn’t view it as a problem. I was nervously excitable so I dived in to clear the blockage.

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