A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Bye-Bye Spring

It finally arrived, the early spring snowstorm we’ve been hearing about for a week. The forecasters have been right so far. The snow is heavy, sticky and piling up. We’ve been out twice clearing snow from the lilacs, forsythia and burning bush. All were hanging low nearly flattened when we looked out this morning • The birds have been in a feeding frenzy all day battling the snowy conditions. The hoard of starlings descended and haven’t left. Bluebirds, robins, titmice, cardinals, juncos and goldfinches eat what they can. I haven’t seen a squirrel, chickadee or nuthatch, not yet. If I’m unable to set the buffet table for the dear deer the feeders will be filled and ready • Next week looks sunny and warmer :) • Peace & Love

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