What chew lookin at...?
Another rotten wet day. This is getting beyond a joke.
Cattle fed then left Kev on bedding sheds with wheat bales while I went next door for a trailer load of silage. Driving up the farm road passed a lot of miserable looking lambs. The fields are all sodden and the ground round the shelter bales is getting mucky. No doubt there will be a spate of lambs with joint ill and ewes with mastitis,all thanks to the weather.
Kev decided he was going home at lunch time,so nabbed him to put a fresh haylage bale in to one of the sheds with ewes and lambs in before he left . Don't think they will be going outside any time soon.
Spent a good hour on the phone trying to swap my mobile phone provider to a cheaper one. Being put in a queue and listening to endless elevator music is a sure fire way to put my blood pressure up to dangerous levels. Can they not just answer the phone...
Think I got there eventually. Will find out tomorrow if switching and keeping my number works or not.
Going round the calving cows tonight in the p...ing rain I was struck by the thought that I'm getting too old for this sh.., might join the kids in Thailand!
This ewe was enjoying the fresh bale of haylage at least.
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