
By Hamp5on

The day after...

An EB. I'm an introvert who can be an extrovert for quite a while, but then I hit a wall, today was that day! I've felt so grumpy, trying hard to not feel annoyed at everyone for no reason at all! I stayed back from Caña Club to clean in peace, and these 2 hours solo have done me the world of good. Feeling much more balanced and less tired.
I think Nate could tell we (me) needed cheering so he created an imaginative family game and then insisted we all eat our lunch under the table, ha! I'm trying to say yes more if there's no good reason to say no... So under the table we all went, haha.
Asha's been enjoying texting thanks to people and prepping her room to share with Lucie. Nate's room has been a bigger project to get ready for the 3 lads to sleep in. They all arrive tomorrow night!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nate video calling mom and dad, and me getting a chance to natter too.
2) The flat feeling tidier, cleaner, and more ready for visitors tomorrow.
3) Danny knowing I just needed to have a few hours alone. 

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