
By Veronica


Our wisteria is taking its time compared to other local ones, but it's finally starting to flower. Luckily it doesn't look too battered from last night's rain. Hopefully I can blip a wider view when more flowers have come out.

An at home day today, catching up with some rather neglected housework. I've started my next book group read, North Woods, and am enjoying it -- an easy read. I also listened nostalgically to the recording of our choir's concert back in 2007, and wished that Florence had picked a more Mendelssohn bit of Mendelssohn this year. This choir is clearly enjoying Richte Mich, Gott even though their performance is more subtle than ours -- we nearly blasted the audience out of the church with our Harre auf Gott!! and William had his eyes closed and was away with the fairies by then. Happy memories!

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