
By ayearinthelife

Afternoon Tea

It’s Mrs C’s birthday today, and we started in fine style with a full English cooked breakfast at 2 Sisters Cafe, just outside Kendal. We wouldn’t need any lunch after that, but we did ask for a piece of this delicious looking Apple and Almond Cake to take away so we could have it for an afternoon treat. And very nice it was too!
We’ve both had a haircut as well and, whilst Mrs C busied herself printing pictures for an upcoming camera club exhibition, I fitted the remaining parts to my guitar so it can be dropped off at R&T Music tomorrow for a full set up.
We haven’t finished with birthday gastronomic delights though. Mrs C’s birthday tea of choice is a Chinese takeaway, which I’ll be heading out for shortly.
I have a feeling that no matter how strenuous tomorrow’s PT session is, it will not be enough to burn off the calories we will have consumed today!

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