Easter Monday Pilgrimage
Just back from a hectic couple of days in Kerry. Our aim was a rather spontaneous dash to Glenbeigh for the annual Easter Monday pilgrimage to St Finán's Well I think I've got the right day today. The pilgrimage was a bracing 8km through magnificent countryside -up mountains, across rivers , down little boreens, all with enticing views out to the sea and across to the Macgillycuddyreeks which had a smattering of snow. About 150 pilgrims of all shapes, sizes and ages took part and we were led off by a lone piper. The well was rediscovered and renovated 5 years ago by the locals and is down a very steep gravelly path. Mass was conducted - the priest got an umbrella, though the weather was fantastic, and his own parking cone.
We were hot and sweaty by the time we got back to the Red Fox Inn which was absolutely packed. I'm too tired to choose one photo so you get a documentary collage. (please biggify)
A very quick freshen up then we went down to the magnificent strand at Rossbeigh and did a very gentle stroll and a bit of water and people watching. I think my favourite pic is the little cluster of houses underneath that mighty mountain . The sea wasn't looking bad either.
We stayed overnight in what I suspect was an old coaching in. The bar was rammed where we ate a large supper. Not much sleep though as the room was roasting and we were over the kitchens.
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