Ymweliad a Chastellnewydd Emlyn

Ymweliad a Chastellnewydd Emlyn ~ A visit to Newcastle Emlyn

Inspiration is not the exclusive privilege of poets or artists.(…) Whatever inspiration is, it’s born from a continuous ‘I don’t know.’
― Wislawa Szymborska, (‘The poet and the World’, Nobel Lecture, 1996)

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Roedd rhaid i ni fynd i Gastellnewydd Emlyn heddiw - i brynu batri newydd i’r ffens drydanol. Mewn un o’r caeau rydyn ni’n tyfu coed a  llwyni newydd. Rhaid i ni eu gwarchod y planhigion o'r defaid, felly rydyn ni'n defnyddio ffens drydanol. Dydy e ddim yn gwneud ei gwaith ar hyn o bryd ac rydyn ni'n amau'r batri.

Mae'r dref yn edrych yn ddiddorol iawn. Ffeindiais i hen gyfrwywaith gyda cherflun o geffyl yn y ffenestr..  Mae'n ddiddorol i weld rhai o'r hen drefydd bach yng ngorllewin Cymru a hoffwn i dreulio mwy o amser jyst crwydro o gwmpas ac archwilio. Ond doedd dim yr amser gyda ni. Roedd rhaid i ni ddychwel i Drala Jong ac yn parhau ein gwaith gyda'r storfa bren.

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We had to go to Newcastle Emlyn today -  to buy a new battery for the electric fence. In one of the fields we are growing new trees and bushes. We have to protect the plants from the sheep, so we use an electric fence. It's not working at the moment and we suspect the battery. 

The town looks very interesting. I found an old saddlery  with a statue of a horse in the window. It's interesting to see some of the old small towns in west Wales and I'd like to spend more time just wandering around and exploring. But we didn't have the time. We had to return to Drala Jong and continue our work with the wooden store.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun o geffyl yn ffenestr hen gyfrwywaith
Description (English): A statue of a horse in the window of an old saddlery

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