Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The newest leaves

It was a dry sunny day. I had a short walk in the woods near Barrasford.

Not many wildflowers are in bloom yet, but the garlic buds are nearly ready to burst.

I enjoyed looking at the new leaves on different trees, while listening to chiff chaffs calling and a very raucous song thrush! My blip is of hazel and I love the detail.

Lunch was provided by Kate in Wall. Jenny is recovering from being poorly during the week (while Kate was away, so bad timing) and Dennis happily ate a delicious dinner. Margret was there too.

I hope she won't mind me telling what happened. She suddenly asked me if I was doing the catering for the funeral. (I was sure I had told her about the caterer the other day.) So I looked straight at her and said "Yes. It won't be too difficult, although I have to do it tomorrow because I'm out on Tuesday." Kate chipped in and said she was going to make 100 vol-au-vents. 

At that point, the penny dropped!

I came home later and had a short sleep in my chair. 

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