Happy birthday tookie
Tookie! Here is a photo for you!!
I give my dog CBD. My neighbor told me about CBD and how she gave it to her dog when he got old. Samuel had started slipping when climbing stairs and two drops at a time, three times a day and he was much better. Then I thought he was having more trouble so I began giving him three drops at a time and recently I upped it to four. Just four little drops and he can climb stairs. We briefly changed brands at the vet’s recommendation and he had trouble walking on the flat floor so we immediately went back to the first brand.
I bought some CBD treats recently. Karen was introducing them to him slowly, half a treat at night. I accidentally gave him 1.5 treats tonight and, for the first time in at least a year, he wanted to play with his monkey. He wanted to bounce around and play with his favorite toy! I think we should up his dose all the time.
Selcuk Bayraktar, the engineer behind Bayraktar TB2 drones that have been such a godsend to Ukraine, is the son-in-law to the leader of Turkey. He is swarmed by people everywhere he goes. He is one of the country’s most popular leaders. Some people are suggesting he succeed his father-in-law.
Sanctions are making it hard for countries to pay Russia for oil. It is taking banks in China, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates months sometimes to pay Russian oil firms.
Ukraine and India held talks and agreed to restore trade and cooperation to pre-Russian 2022 invasion levels. India is a traditional Russian ally.
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