
This is the last time for a while that you'll be seeing this chump's big face staring out at you. Off with my girls down to Hull tomorrow to see my folks and, as I said to a fellow blipper yesterday, expect much Yorkshireness over the next few days.

Last day of the film festival here in Edinburgh. Made it out to one screening in the evening and because of babysitters and times and the like the most suitable one to go to turned out to be the new one from Sofia Coppola, The Bling Ring. I dunno, it was certainly watchable but maybe I'm getting a bit tired of her schtick, it's all very well making a career out of blankness and disconnection but is there anything else there?

Maybe there isn't. And it did make me think of a song.

[For more film festival stuff, [url=]leasko[/url] has been doing a series of portraits over the course of the festival. Well worth a peek]

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