nessie in fort augustus

Met up with some lovely friends who have not been seen for a while.
Made the poor choice of going to eat at The Bothy.
God forbid that I should order a Diet Coke, without consultation be presented with a Pepsi Max, and when I clarify (because surely my memory hasn't quite gone yet in the last five minutes) that indeed I did order a Diet Coke; to be told "What's your problem with this, it doesn't have any sugar?"

Just a shit-load more CAFFEINE than I wanted AND it tastes different AND it breaches the Trades Description Act......AND, oh yeah - IT WASN'T WHAT I FUCKING ORDERED!

Needless to say (after the manager attended at my table to back-chat me!) I walked out.

This place is a disgrace to the Scottish Tourism Industry!

The Moorings, on the other hand, had a wonderful atmosphere with staff that were eager to please and delivered what was asked for with a smile.

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