Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Baby Whisperer Workshop Day 2

Had a much better day today. Before the course started I was chatting to some of the other people and realised I was not alone in feeling totally dejected yesterday. I gave myself a good talking to last night and resolved that as this course has cost me a lot of money I was going to keep asking as many questions as possible without worrying about sounding like a complete idiot.

And some how things just seemed to fall into place a bit more for me today as well.

The photo above was our team entry into the course competition before it was edited. We were in teams of four and chose our own props etc and I did the pose for this one. It was a bit terrifying at first. Obviously I am used to babies but its different when its not your own and everyone is watching you! We all uploaded our photos and then went through them all to pick the best and mine was chosen! I don't have the edited one but it was basically just tweaked a bit in lightroom. And our team photo won, judged by an award winning master photographer!

So I left day two feeling much more positive and brimming with ideas and a great big long list of things I need to learn!

Went back to Mums for a big family dinner. Missed my little people so much the past few days. Tobes was up late trampolining and playing farms with his cousins.

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