
By rat

Good Friday

Wet start to the day, then some sunshine, then showers.
I tidied and swept the front porch, that's not been done in a long time.
Washing was done and dried in the sunshiney spell.
Some gardening was done, the old clematis that died (of clematis wilt, I think) was removed and a new one planted not too far away as the arch is still there. The last of the fallen branches from the autumn and winter storms are now in the brown bin so I'm ready for the enxt lot!
A run was had, after the sun had gone in and the showers started.
An Easter garden was made, this is the Good Friday part. We didn't have a service today but there have been a couple of good meditations seen and read that focus the mind on what today means, God taking our sin and shame on Himself to give us future hope.

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