Imagine the view....

By btc

Dublin Life: Trying new things...

...and what a day it was for that, I decided to take the opportunity to jump on a train for a couple of hours and head south to Dublin, for in total the whole of about 4 hours, enough time to have a walk around and get a feel for things but more than that try a couple of things I have never done before (apart from seeing Dublin for the first time).

Firstly, everyone who had ever been to Dublin had always told me that Guinness tasted different there, which I thought was just tourist nonsense but it is actually true and I really enjoyed it, much smoother and tastier.

Secondly, Katie said that if i was having Guinness that I had have oysters with it, another thing I have never tried, but took to those as well.

All round a good day, no rain for a change, which was good and I got to get some nice photos, here is one of the River Liffey.

Another rushed day so more apologies for my lack of responses and comments. Only just back and got to pack. Things will be back to normal soon. Hope you have all had as fun a weekend as I have.

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