
By amandoAlentejo

Life is so Fragile

Our lives are so fragile and out of our control...

Took this on my way back from church - have often admired this tree against the brickwork of the house at the top of Coleshill Street, but today in the sunshine, it was absolutely glowing...

Then a phone call to say my 84-on-Wednesday Mum had suffered a fall. So spent large part of the sunniest day we've had in ages, in the "Resus" dept of Good Hope Hospital. They've pulled her grossly dislocated and torn finger into shape, and stitched it and her deeply gashed forehead. The broken hip and dislocated knee will have to wait for an operation tomorrow. So much pain and blood and confusion.

Very grateful for my family, who all stepped in wonderfully. (We were actually also hosting the visiting speaker for the day.) As well as for a free and very efficient health service.

Praying she manages to sleep...

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