Great tit

Apart from the weather today which has been dull, overcast and now raining, it's been a good day. I've caught up with all my chores, the house is sorted, washing done and ironing bagged up to be sent away (life is too short to do ironing). I even caught up with Blip at one point today haha.

The birds have been steadily returning to the garden, I've got the bully boys which are the jackdaws and collared doves, the mid size male and female blackbirds and smaller birds spotted today were Spaggies, Blue tits, Great tits and Robins. My favourite the goldfinch and Bullfinch are still yet to return.

Many thanks for all your hearts, stars and great comments on yesterdays big sky all really appreciated as usual.

July 1st tomorrow obviously summer is going to come screaming in with a huge bang in this part of the world and I'll be blipping the drought :-)

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