
I am finding the previously blipped orange snake charging cable rather unwieldy so we have been looking for a shorter one. I hope this green one will be easier to control when it arrives.

It’s been a bit of a day today. The charger fitting electrician was back at 8am to check that all our electrics were set up correctly for the charger. He found three things he felt needed changing so that meant a trip out to get some things for the consumer unit. That then meant that the power had to go off for a time. Rob identified later that the heating hadn’t come back on properly but we think we have managed to sort that out. Jobs like that are more challenging these days.

It really has been a rather stressful week.

This evening I went through the ppt I’m going to use at church tomorrow at the noon meditation service. Someone else has put timings on and they are all over the place! That means I will have to take all the timings off and use it manually to fit in with all the readings and time for prayer…

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