
Life is so busy at the moment that I am struggling for a blip by the time the end of the day is nigh, so today I present a BlipQuiz to you.  After a day which began with my fitness session, followed by a quickie visit from M&A, Euan's other grandparents, with Easter goodies for us to take down next week.  We had time for a catch up and stories before they left for home and we had lunch then headed off to Bob's to see how he was coping back at home.

We arrived as the nursing team arrived with various walking and toileting aids to make life safer for him moving around home.  He seemed a little better today and it was good to see him sitting up and sharing stories of veteran aircraft with Tony.  Everything crossed his issues were down to a bad dose of Covid and that he will be on the mend from now.  His neighbour and friend Sue has been fantastic in popping in to check on him, keeping him supplied with tea and simple things to eat. As we head off tomorrow for a few days, I am more relieved that he will be well supported.

So today's blipquiz is, can you guess what I was making for dinner from the prepared ingredients.  If you think you know it, just enter the first letter of it in the comments box.

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