
This morning when I was up I looked  at the paintwork , it was decided to that the door and window frame  needed a 3rd coat. So I got the brush out and did them again . 
Julie wanted to visit her Mum this morning so a break from decorating to take her to the care home.. While she was there I took a walk around Hartsholme  park for a nice relaxing walk. Rather cold today  but nice to be outdoors . A few bits and bobs around with plenty of birds singing and pairing up for the spring. I did spot this great crested Grebe fairly close to the edge before it swam away fairly quickly hence the not fully focused shot. I did also hear and then see a Green woodpecker but no clear photo of it sadly but nice to see it.

Back home for a snack for lunch and then it was onto the wallpapering . Lining paper put on the outside wall as it needed some on it this is the wall I Stain blocked  the other day . I have got 1 and a half walls done with the plain design paper  will carry on tomorrow .

Relaxing now ready to watch the 1st Easter weekend rugby league match Castleford V Leeds . Wigan play tomorrow 

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