The new view

This photo is taken through the gap where the trees used to be. Previously this would have been a picture of a stand of forest. Now there is far more to see...
You can see some of the debris at the bottom of the picture, where the trees used to be.
We can see this lorry, picking up the logs (the ex-trees) from the landing, to take them to their final destination. (Now they are all gone.)
We can also see the lake, at the top of the blip, though just now it's still frozen and snow-covered, so it looks like just another field.
Now we get to see movements on the road, one neighbour's car turning in, another neighbour walking down the hill with his dog.
And of course...    They can all see us too!
Filmstudio was the film BlackkKlansman. An interesting film, in some ways almost pure entertainment. It has an exciting story and, based as it is on a true story, we know that the main characters are all going to survive. However, thinking about it later it looks at racism in earlier films with clips from two of them featuring inside this film.

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