St. Petronilla Church Whepstead

Go up early and made focaccia to bring away with us then did a few jobs in the garden. After the focaccia came out of the oven I went into the village for a couple of things.
We got away just after 11 and arrived just after noon decent journey no hold ups. We just got set up when it started raining so that was good.
Our friends P & J are camping and have brought their great granddaughter with them so they came over for a chat and tea in the afternoon.
After they left I walked into the village it’s very small and had a look at the church. Can’t go in as it’s having some woodworm treatment 
An interesting name apparently the only St. Petronilla in England 
There is a hall on site and we will go over this evening to meet our fellow campers 
Cool strong wind this afternoon 

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