Well, it is Easter.

An early start in the gym this morning, and Vic & Cath had the same idea. Vic had his endoscopy yesterday, and they found two polyps, but he said the procedure wasn't too bad. He now has to wait for the results.  We didn't go for a coffee afterwards, as I had to be in Specsavers by 11o'clock. All went well although I think the distance reactolite glasses will take some getting used to.  The bus was in on time, but as soon we set off, there was an announcement, This bus is under attack, pleas dial 999 now, although we soon realized there wasn't, thank goodness. This went on & on for most of the journey, and then we broke down, but only for a few minutes, and then the announcement stopped. I was glad to get off the bus, although that announcement is  still going around my  head. We can see snow on the mountains from our driveway, and it is so cold.

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