Blue jay convention
This was one of the oddest bird behaviors i have seen.15 blue jays all collected at the top of my crabapple tree and started tooting - not the jay cries but a toot sound, -at each other. This went on for 15 minutes and while doing it they were bobbing up and down at each other. There was some movement back and forth in the branches by the individual birds and one would occasionally drop down for some bird seed. Glenn thought it may have been some sort of display for the ladies behavior. Never seen anything quite like it. If anyone has any ideas let me know!
I would also like to thank you all for your concern about my husband - 2 days of tests and IV's and all they found was maybe he was dehydrated and it might be his ears. Very grateful it was not a stroke. Thank you all again! I should have post4ed yesterday but I had another one of my stupid migraines start. All is back to normal.
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