
Alex headed off to Hull today for farewell drinks with his friend Darren who is moving to Australia. The other week when we went out for his 30th, I ended up having a bit of an unexpected heart to heart with his (Darren's) wife Becky.
Previously when we'd been out before I tried my damnedest to relax her unsuccessfully- this last time she loosened up enough to tearfully tell me that her husband had called her ugly & declared that he didn't find her attractive or loved her.
Typical me then I adopted her & really wanted her to find some self confidence that she was very much lacking..
Anyway! They are moving to the otherwise of the world & I really don't think they are happy together?!
Meanwhile, I took Ferguson to met his friend Bentley at the Fun Depot. It was nice to chat his mum, Irene & see how much a funny mad excitable pair they are together!!
The afternoon & evening progressed with Daniel being the friend of choice whilst I started to paint to never-ending hallway & landing.

What's all this got to do with the photo?! Well, it's just that it seems more than ever that Glastonbury is everywhere on the BBC & as the years progress, my desire to go increases.
Marley, Evie & Gracie are currently there with Sinead so it's perhaps more in the chat;/ mind/whatever than it might normally be.
I'm half trying to imagine that it's not happening so that I won't frequently wish myself there.

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